Launch Pad Housing

LaunchPad offers hope and opportunity for homeless families each year, providing support, life skills training and transitional housing to help program participants develop the skills for self-sufficiency.

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    1,120 In Need

    Number of homeless people in Atlanta that are part of a family unit, accounting for 16% of the total homelessness population.

    -Atlanta Center For Self-Sufficiency

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    Ready For Opportunity

    LaunchPad partners with local shelters and organizations to identify candidates ready to take responsibility for changing their situation.

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    Structured For Responsibility

    Candidates are interviewed to ensure they are ready to take the necessary steps to get back on their feet, with 5 being selected for each group.

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    Skills For A Lifetime

    Each week, coaches prepare classes and homework assignments designed specifically for each participant. From financial literacy to job skills, nutrition and wellness to liefstyle and faith, our team works to create the foundation for participants to pursue their dreams and achieve sustainable success.

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    Helping The Willing Become Able.

    We are creating a new framework for ending homelessness, one that balances the immediate need for housing with the long-term need for life skills neccessary to make change sustainable.

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    Lives, Transformed.

    Participants graduate when they demonstrate a track record of job stability and the ability to pay for their monthly expenditures for them and their families on their own.

Download Housing Application